
Me Gusta Vs Me Gustan

Gusta and gustan are two dissimilar Spanish verbs. Spanish is interesting and also a very important linguistic communication. But the usage of some similar words can be confusing for those whose mother tongue is not Spanish.

An excellent example of this is the verb forms of gustar which are gusta and gustan. Their spelling is very similar and the but difference is the 'n' letter of the alphabet at the finish of i of them.

Gusta vs Gustan

The master difference between gusta and gustan is that gusta is used when the subject is singular whereas gustan is used when the subject is in plural or more than one.

Gusta vs Gustan

Gustar is the chief verb in the Spanish linguistic communication whose meaning is "to like" in English whereas in Spanish the verb has more of a positive vibe to it. In Spanish when you lot use the verb gustar it would refer that the subject you are referring to is "pleasing to" you.

Too, gusta will always be used if the chief subject is atypical irrespective of the indirect object which can be singular or plural.The same affair applies to gustan. Gustan volition always be used if the main subject is in plural irrespective of the indirect object.

Comparison Table Between Gusta and Gustan (in Tabular Form)

Parameters of Comparison Gusta Gustan
Definition Gusta is a Spanish verb that means "to like". It is used when the subject area is atypical. Gustan is a Spanish verb which also means "to similar". Information technology is used when the subject is in plural.
Subject The subject has to be ane or unmarried for the usage of this verb in the sentence. The subject must exist plural or more one for the usage of this verb in the judgement.
Dependance on indirect object If the main bailiwick is singular then gusta will exist used even if the indirect object is in plural. If the master subject is in plural and so gustan will be used even if the indirect field of study is singular.
Dependance on pronouns The verb does not depend on if the pronoun refers to a unmarried person or more people. The verb also does non depend on if the pronoun used in the sentence refers to one person or more.
Main verb The main verb of gusta is gustar. The master verb of gustan is also gustar.

What is Gusta?

Gusta is a verb in the Spanish language which ways "to like". It is one of the forms of the chief verb "Gustar".

Gusta is used when the subject is in singular or the subject is only one object.

Some examples of the usage of the gusta verb in a judgement are-

  1. Me gusta esta flor (I similar this bloom)
  2. Me gusta este libro (I like this volume)

Gusta is used irrespective of the indirect object. This ways that if the main field of study is singular and the indirect object is in plural, gusta will still be used.

In Spanish language, the person saying the statement volition always be considered as an indirect object.

Some examples of this are-

  1. Nos(indirect object) gusta ese libro(main subject) (Nosotros like that book)
  2. Me(indirect object) gusta ese pez(main bailiwick) (I like that fish)

In the get-go example in a higher place, although the indirect object (we) is in plural withal gusta is used equally the chief subject is singular (only i volume). In the 2d instance, both the indirect object and the main field of study are singular and so gusta is used.

The verb is likewise not dependent on the pronouns used in the sentence. For example, gusta volition be used for me, te, nos (I, yous, nosotros), if the subject area is a single object.


What is Gustan?

Gustan is a verb in the Castilian language which means "to like". It is also i of the forms of the primary verb "Gustar".

Gustan is used when the subject area is in plural or is more than 1 object.

Some examples of the usage of the gustan verb in a sentence are-

  1. Me gustan estas flores (I like these flowers)
  2. Me gustan estos libros (I like these books)

Juat similar the verb gusta, gustan is also used irrespective of the indirect object. To be clear, if the main subject is in plural and the indirect object is a unmarried object, gustan will e'er be used.

As well the person proverb the argument or the person referred in the argument will e'er be considered every bit an indirect object.

Some of the examples are-

  1. Me (indirect object) gustan esos bolígrafos (main subject) (I like those pens)
  2. Les (indirect object) gustan estos edificios (main subject area) (They like these buildings)

In the first example stated above, the indirect object is a unmarried person (I) while the main subject is in plural (pens) and thus gustan is used. In the second example, the chief field of study is in plural (buildings) and the indirect object is also in plural (they) and and then gustan is used.

Gustan is also independent of the pronouns used in the sentences. For example, just like that in gusta, gustan will exist used for me, te, nos (I, you, we), if the subject area is in plural or is more than one object.


Main Differences Between Gusta and Gustan

  1. Gusta and Gustan are both Castilian verbs. The master verb class is Gustar.
  2. Gusta is used when the object is singular and Gustar is used when the object is in plural.
  3. Both gusta and Gustan are independent of the indirect object.
  4. Both of them are contained of the pronouns used in the sentence.
  5. Although they mean "to like" but in Spanish it translates into "pleasing to" which gives a positive outcome to the sentence.


Gusta and Gustan are Castilian verbs and the main verb is gustar. Gusta is used when the subject is atypical whereas gustan is used when the subject area is in plural or more than one.

They are not dependent on the indirect subject field in the sentence or on the pronouns used. Information technology can exist simply determined to whether use gusta or gustan in a sentence by analysing if the main subject is plural or singular.

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